PerfectSwap Trading
PerfectSwap brings you seamless token trading on Arbitrum and other EVM-compatible blockchains (soon), facilitating smooth transactions between various ERC-20 tokens. We specialize in providing customized trading solutions for both correlated and uncorrelated assets.
Our platform currently offers support for two distinct liquidity pool types:
Volatile Pools:
Volatile pools involve assets that exhibit no direct price correlation, such as Chainlink (LINK) and Ethereum (ETH). In these pools, the price of one asset bears no relationship to the price of another. Volatile pairs are determined using the formula:
These pools are ideal for trading assets with independent price movements.
Stable Pools:
Stable pools encompass assets that share a direct price correlation with each other. Notable examples include USDC/USDT, wBTC/multiBTC, and frxETH/wETH. In stable pools, the two assets' prices closely track each other, allowing for significantly higher trading volumes with minimal slippage. The price determination formula for stable pairs is:
PerfectSwap offers a versatile trading experience, catering to the unique characteristics of both volatile and stable assets. Whether you're dealing with unrelated tokens or closely tied pairs, we have you covered with efficient and tailored trading solutions.
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